The fundamentals of regression in machine learning
To explain regression simply, it is a type of supervised learning that involves making predictions on quantitative data (numbers). Regression models can be used to calculate the relationship between two variables or to predict new values.
Basic Regression
Let’s begin with an easier type of regression you are likely to know, linear regression. With linear regression, the data is preprocessed and labeled with the correct output. Linear regression can be defined by the relationship y=wx+b where w are the weights (slope) and b are the biases (y-intercept).
The goal of regression is to minimize the error of its predictions. In this case, the error is the distance of the prediction from the true value. The goal is to minimize the sum of the squares of the errors ( (e1)2+(e2)2..., ex being the error of the prediction of xth data point from the true value). Predictions farther away from the actual value are significantly more noticeable because the error is squared. This is also known as the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation.
Linear regression is not always just a straight, linear line. The weights and biases can change, leading to complex linear regression models such as the one below.
When building a linear regression model, you must make the following assumptions:
No Multicollinearity: Multicollinearity is the occurrence of a high correlation between two or more independent variables in the regression model. This reduces the significance of the correlation between independent and dependent variables. We tend to assume there is no multicollinearity between independent variables.
Homoscedasticity (same variance): Variance among all independent variables should be similar as outliers could mess up the linear regression model. This is important as the model can't account for any unexplained variability in the dependent variables.
What happens if a linear model cannot fit your data? That’s where non-linear models can help Common examples include logarithmic regression and parametric regression.
Evaluating Performance
After building a basic regression model, you must have a way to check its performance. Here are the common forms of evaluation of linear regression data:
  • R-squared: This represents the proportion of variance for a dependent variable explained by the independent variable, bigger |R| means higher correlation. This typically results in a value between 0 - 1. "0" means the independent variables do not represent the dependent variables at all and "1" means the opposite.
  • Adjusted R-Squared: Modified R-squared depends on the number of predictors. It takes into account the addition of new predictors that may cause R-squared to rise.
  • Root-mean-square-error (RMSE): This is calculated as the square root of the mean of the squared differences between actual outcomes and predictions, a lower error is better. This is used to measure the accuracy of models.
When building regression models, it is also important to consider the bias and variance. Bias is the difference between predictions and actual values. High bias indicates that a model is not specific enough (overgeneralizing) and will not perform well with new data. Variance is the spread of the data. High variance means the model pays too much attention to training data and does not perform on new data due to overfitting. When developing regression models, it is important to establish a bias/variance tradeoff.
Overfitting and Underfitting
It is important to consider if a model is overfitting or underfitting. This can be done by analyzing performance on the training versus the test data set. Similar accuracies in the training and test set indicate a well-trained model. Overfitting is where a machine learning model cannot generalize well to an unknown dataset, it fits its training data too well. Underfitting is when the model is not fit well enough to produce accurate predictions on training or testing data.
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How can you address overfitting in a regression model? One option is to remove unimportant variables from the dataset to reduce noise and allow the model to generalize a bit more. Another method is to perform regularization, where instead of removing variables, you just reduce the importance of insignificant variables. Regularization typically works better for larger datasets.
The analysis of training v.s. testing accuracy is called cross-validation. In cross-validation, there is a type called K-fold cross-validation. With K-fold cross-validation, you will randomly divide data into n groups and use one of the groups as a validation fold and the rest as the training fold, then repeat this process for every group.
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Forecasting is the application of regression models to time-series data. Basically, you will use previously collected data to predict future data points. Some real-world applications include predicting trends in weather, pandemics, and the stock market.
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